Tuesday, September 4, 2012

roadtrippin' vol 1

Doktoritoo on nyyd ilusti-kenasti retsenseerimisel ja mul pole nyyd muud teha, kui hakata L22ne Austraaliat muidkui avastama. Et mitte kallist aega raisata, l2ksimegi kohe Perthist p6hja poole loodust nautlema. Kahe n2dala jooksul 6nnestus l2bi teha umbes 1500 kilomeetrit ja v2isata 4 rahvusparki ja mitu loodusreservi. Kuna Austraalia lyhiajalistel, st 1-aastastel taimededel on hetkel 6itsemisaeg k2es ja eelnevalt oleme kuulnud, et see pidi fantastiline vaatepilt olema, otsustasime seda loodusfenomeni vaatama minna. (Since my PhD thesis is now completed and is being marked, hopefully, i have plenty of time to start discovering the nature of Western Australia. So, during the last couple of weeks we made something like 1500 kms and visited 4 national parks north of Perth to check out the annual plants that we were told are in full bloom and well worth seeing, undoubtedly.)

AlustasimeYanchep'i rahvuspargiga, mis on tuntud oma maa-aluste koobaste poolest. (We started off with Yanchep National park that's N of Perth and is well known for it's underground caves.)

Kuidas ma saan enam kunagi peatumata mooda minna m6nest akaatsia taimest? (How can i ever possibly pass by an acacia plant without stopping and having a look?)

Suur yllatus oli see, kui avastasime p2ikesepaneeli keset rahvuspargi rada. (We're quite surprised to find a solar panel in the middle of the walk trail).

P2rast pikemalt jalutusk2iku mooda kuivemat madalamat p66sarinnet oli p2ris tore avastada niiskem ja jahedam org, mis oli kunagi olnud koobaste systeem, mis vajus sisse ja aastasadade jooksul kujunes selliseks oruks.(After lengthy walk in the sclerophyll it was quite refreshing to find a changed landscape that was a darker and cooler gorge (Boomerang Gorge) which used to be a cave system as well, but after collapsing became this beautiful place.)  


 Maa-all yhes suuremas koopas - Crystal cave, mis oli kohati 13 meetrit allpool maapinda. Huvitav fakt oli see, et aastaringselt on koopa temperatuur stabiilselt 18 kraadi ja suviti v2ga h2irivad k2rbsed ei tule sinna.(Here in one of the biggest caves in the national park, called Crystal cave. During the walk we were at times 13 m below the surface. Interesting fact was that the temperature in the cave stays all year round +18 C and flies do not come there, so it is quite a pleasant place in the summer).

 See pilt koopa sees on rohkem kunstiliselt ilus kui informatiivne. (This pic from the cave is just arty!)

Edasi s6itsime muidkui p6hja poole ja j6udsime v2ikesesse kohta nimega Cervantes, mis on h2sti tuntud oma India ookeani homaaride v6i meriv2hide pyygi ja restoranide poolest. T6epoolest, nad pyyavad neid sealt samast rannikult ja pakuvad v2rsket homaari restoranides, mida ma otseloomulikult pidin ju proovima. :-) ( Next we continued up north until we reached Cervantes, which is a little cute town that is better known for its Indian Rock Lobster business and restaurants. Of course i had to try a lobster myself)

Ma pakun, et see on yks k6ige kallimaid toite, mida ma eales olen ise restos tellinud. Selle taldriku hind on 40 doltsi! (I reckon' its one of the most expensive meals i've ever had. The price of this plate is 40 bucks)

K2isime ka kohalikus homaari-"vabrikus", kus seletati meile 2ra, kuidas see multi-miljoniline 2ri toimub alates pyygist kuni restorani saabumiseni. (We went also into the lobster "factory" where they explained us everything from catching the lobsters to getting them on the plate in a restaurant).

Nagu me aru saime jagatakse pyytud homaarid lausa klassidesse nende kaalu j2rgi: A on k6ige v2iksem, ja H on k6ige suurem, see siin on k6ige suurem, mis v6ib kaaluda oma 4-5 kilo). (Apparently lobsters are divided into categories based on their weight with A being the smallest and H the biggest that can weigh up to 5 kg, here on the picture is the biggest.)

All A klassi "odavaim" homaar. (A class lobster below, honestly, there wasn't much to eat, but it cost 25 bucks!).

Kuid tegelikult on Cervantes paremini tuntud l2hedalasuva Nambungi rahvuspargi ja selle k6rbe poolest, kus asuvad mystilised maast v2lja ulatuvad liivakivi ja muust segust koosnevad kujukesed, mis on aasta sadade jooksul tuulte ja vihmade poolt lihvitud nn postideks ehk pinnacles'ideks, millede t2pne tekkimislugu tekitab ikka veel vaidlusi teadlastes. (Actually Cervantes is better known for its proximity to Nambung national park and its desert where one can see the mysterious pinnacles, which origin is still highly debated among scientists: are they a collection of shells, left behind by retreated ocean, and sand mixture that has been formed by winds and rains or are they roots of ancient trees that were first underground and then as the wind eroded the sand exposed these formations? I'm still not convinced by either of these explanations.).

Lesueur National Park (LNP)
Lesueur rahvuspark olevat yks taime, linnu ja roomajate elurikkuse poolt h2sti tuntud koht. Voldikust v6ib lugeda, et olevat seal 900 erinevat taime, mis kokku moodustavad 10 % osariigi floorast. Pargis on mitu haruldast taime ja 9 liiki, mis on ainult leitud sealt ja 111 liiki, mis on endeemsed selles regioonis. Uuh! Palju numbreid, aga mis neist nii v2ga tolku on, eks? Kokkuv6ttes oli see v2ga ilus koht, kus asub ka Lesueur'i m2gi (1000m yle merepinna), mida oli vaja valluatma hakata. (LNP is as exceptionally diverse park that has more than 900 different plant species comprising 10 % of the State's known flora, so says the leaflet from the park :-). Also there are quite a few rare and endemic plant species to the park that are only found in Lesueur or the region, respectively. There're apparently lots of birds and reptiles of which i saw none. Nevertheless, I loved the park, that is until it started to pour with heavy rain, especially as i was getting closer to the tip of Mt Lesueur.)

Hakea neurophylla - smell the flowers if you meet this beauty!

Kui p2ike veel paistis ja entusiasmi jagus! (When the sun was still shining and the enthusiasm was high!)

Mida k6rgemale pilvedesse ja m2e tipu poole, seda halvemaks ilm muutus, kuigi siin tundub veel asi kontrolli all olevat :-) (The higher to the tip of the mountain the crappier the weather became, although here it appears to be still ok, maybe slightly windy judging Pawel's appearance- wearing a hood).

The tip of Mt. Lesueur!

Beautiful little beetles! :-)

to be continued...


Paweł Waryszak said...

You are not only a painter but also a good writer. Pleasure to read. I think you should prolong your brake from science :D :*

Anonymous said...

Tore üle pika aja leida su blogist postitus! Loodetavasti ei tule enam niiii pikka pausi? ;)

Christina said...

Rumcajs: stop flattering me, you're embarrassing me! :)
Lixey: nyyd, kui mul on j2lle aega muid asju teha, ei tohiks v2ga pikka pausi postituste vahele tulla.