Friday, October 26, 2012

wave rockin'


Niisiis, m6ni aeg tagasi sai k2idud laine kivi ehk Waverock'i uurimas. See on L22ne-Austraalia osariigi l6unapool yks p6hilisemaid looduslikke vaatamisv22rsusi, minu arvates v2hemalt. Waverock asub umbes 300 km Perthist sisemaal. Alustuseks aga j2id meile tee peale syrrealistlikud soolaj2rved, nagu n2ha allpool...
Some time ago we finally went to check out the infamous Waverock. I guess i'm not too wrong if i say that it is one of the main 'natural' tourist attractions in WA. For those of you who yet don't know where it is, Waverock is located about 300 km inland from Perth with the closest town being Hayden. I'll tell you more about the Waverock below. First, i'll start from the beginning....and on the way to Waverock we encountered several surrealistic looking salt lakes.

Sool! Salt!

Mida rohkem sisemaale me s6itsime, seda rohkem me neid soolaj2rvesid n2gime. Niipalju, kui ma olen kuulnud ja arusaanud, on Austraalia pinnases loomulikult k6rge soola tase. Enne p6llumajanduse levimist ja ulatuslikku puude mahraiumist hoidsid taimed-puud aga soola taset suhteliselt madalal, aga p6llumajanduse intensiivistumisega hakkas sool yha rohkem pinnale tulema, mis siis omakorda muudab taimede kasvamise sellisel pinnasel v6imatuks. Teadup2rast ei suuda taimed k6rge soolsusega mullas kasvada ja surevad. Sellised sisemaa j2rved aga tekkivad peale suuremat vihma, mis suvel kuivavad suhetliselt kiiresti taas kokku.
The further inland from Perth we drove, the more salt lakes we encountered. As far as i've seen and understood, Australian soils have naturally quite a high salt concentration in them. Before the onset of agriculture existing plants,mostly trees and shrubs, kept the salt levels quite low. However with the extensive clearing of the land and agricultural activities the salt levels have risen which in turn kills the remaining plants and makes the land from agricultural perspective pretty useless. Lakes like this shown below usually appear after heavy rains, however during summer they dry up quickly

All on pilt meie set-upist, st. meie telk ja auto, mis said ilusti paigutatud m6nusasse kohta telkimisplatsil, kus sel ajal polnud eriti kedagi meie ymber. Oma yllatuseks avastasime aga 6htul peale matka meie k6rval ja meie ees hunniku inimesi l6ket tegemas ja telkimas umbes 50 cm (!) meist vasakul. Yhes6naga, sinna ta l2ks rahulik looduses olemine! K6ige hullem lisaks privaatsuse kadumisele, oli veel see, et mingil suuremal sisses2ttinud seltskonnal l2ks nigu meelest, et nad ei ole pubis, vaid ahem...looduses! Huumoorikas oli veel see, et telkimisplats oli oma 100 m pikk ja 20 m lai, et ruumi nigu oli, ma ei saanudki aru, et miks pidid k6ik nigu niimoodi l2hestikku kokkusurutult olema? Selle peale v6tsime me Paweliga oma telgi ja kolisime k6ige kaugemasse nurka telkimisplatsil, ja siis saigi rahus vaikselt olla. :-) Vist olen inimestevihkaja kohati, mis sa teed! V6i hakkan ma juba vanaks j22ma....? :D
Below is our car and tent that was placed nicely somewhere in the tenting spot at Waverock caravan park. At that moment there weren't many people around in the tenting area and so it felt like it's going to be a good peaceful and quiet night. Unfortunately, to our surprise in the evening after hiking we found like 2 tents right beside us and some big gang having a bonfire and yelling to each other like they were in the pub. Suddenly our tent was in the middle of some party town, it felt. What i was mostly astonished about was the fact that the tenting site was actually huge and why all these people decided to get so cramped and not give us nor have themselves some privacy, remained a mystery. Like really?! And so we decided to just pick up our tent and relocate it to the most farthest corner in the tenting area. And there we finally found our peace and quiet that we were hoping for :D. I do hate people sometimes, what can i do! Or is it the age....?:D

Kohustuslik lainekivi 6llehoidja! :D
A must-have Waverock stubbyholder!

Lainekivist endast ka natuke.Esiteks on huvitav see lugu, kuidas lainekivi kuulsaks turismikohaks sai. V2idetavalt oli keegi fotografeerinud seda kohta millalgi 1963/64 paiku ja v6itnud Kodaki rahvusvahelise fotokonkursi New Yorgis. Faktidest ka, lainekivi on yle 100 m pikk ja yle 15 m k6rge!
So just to give you a little bit information about the Waverock itself. First, i find that the story how it became a famous tourist destination quite interesting. Apparently it is only after a photograph of Waverock won the 1963/64 Kodak international photo competition in New York that this place became truly known. And just to throw some facts too Waverock is over 100 m long and 15 m tall.

All on "hea n2ide" ylevalgustatud fotost.
Below is a "good example" of over exposed photo.

Lainekivi on vaieldamatult k6ige kuulsam ja omap2raseim moodustis selles regioonis, kuid tegelikult ei seisa ta yksikult seal, vaid moodustab vaid yhe osa Haydeni graniitpaljandist.Siin me ronimegi mooda seda paljandit.
Waverock is undoubtedly the most well known rock structure in the region. However, it does not stand there by itself but forms a part of a vast Hayden Rock (i.e. granite outcrop). Below I can be seen walking on top of it, technically.  

Sandaali puu :D (Santalum sp.) Idee ja teostus - Pawel.
Sandalwood, literally....:D Idea and set-up - Pawel.

All on "6pikun2ide" graniitpaljandil aset leidvast suksessioonist. Vaata pilti vasakult paremale. Ehk siis mis toimub on see, et nendel graniit v2ljadel on tekkinud aja jooksul lohud, kuhu koguneb vesi ja muu taime jne sodi, kui veetase langeb ehk pmst vesi lohus kuivab, hakkab seal sammal kasvama (vasak pilt). Hiljem tulevad juba rohi ja k6rgemad taimed peale (keskel) ja k6ige l6pus ja vanemas lohus hakkavad juba kasvama p66sad-puud (k6ige parempoolsem pilt).
Below is a nice example of plant succession as can be seen on the granite outcrop. Look at the photo from left to right. What happens is, that outcrop has shallow pools (gnamma) that collect water and organic matter. When the water level decreases moss starts to grow there as can be seen on far left. In the middle pool, there are already in addition to moss also grasses and herbs. In the far right the pool already contains so much organic matter and litter that shrubs and tress can grow there.

All j6ehobu haigutus :-) Ka osa Haydeni paljandist.
At Hippo's Yawn.Also a part of Hayden Rock.

Kuivanud sool Paweli jalgadel. Nii juhtub, kui ujuda soolavee basseinis....v6i noh seal pole vaja v2ga ujuda...h6ljud vaikselt vees ja naudid olemist...:-)
Dried salt on Pawel's legs. This is a consequence of swimming in the salt water pool as Pawel did earlier. Well, you don't need to swim really, just float like a boat and enjoy yourself...:-)

Mulka koobas
Mulka's cave
See oli yke t6siselt huvitav koht, mis on natukene v2hem tuntud, kuid v22rib kindlasti kylastamist. See on koobas, kus v6ib vabalt n2ha aaastatuhandete vanuseid, v2idetavalt u 3000 a. vanad, aborigeenide joonistusi koopa seintel. Valdavalt on need k2ed, mis on seintele maalitud ja valdavalt vasak k2si millegip2rast.
Mulka's cave is less known compared to Waverock however this place is well worth visiting. Especially since there are not many places on earth where you can see ancient cave paintings relatively well preserved such as these. These are aboriginal cave drawings and mostly these are hands, more often than not, it is a left hand.

Mulka koobas sai oma nime yhe aborigeenide legendi j2rgi, mille kohaselt Mulka oli sohilaps, kes pages oma kaaskodanike eest sinna koopasse elama. Lisaks sellele, et ta oli sohilaps, oli ta veel k66rdsilmne ja kokkuv6ttes terve kogukonna pilke allikas. Kuna ta oli k66rdsilmne, ei suutnud ta korralikult loomi jahtida ja olevat hakanud v2ikesi inimlapsi hoopiski jahtima ja sooma. V2idetavalt Mulka ema oli mures poja p2rast (tohoh!) ja l2ks talle kylla koopasse, mille peale solvunud laps aga ema 2ra tappis. Selle peale aga pyydsid teised aborigeenid Mulka kinni ja karistasid teda surmanuhtlusega. Vot selline dramaatiilne legend....
Mulka's cave got its name from a legend about a boy - Mulka, who was born as an illigemate child. In addition to being illegimate Gods apparently cursed him and made him cross eyed. As a result of all this he was exiled to the cave in the woods. Since he was cross eyed he couldn't hunt properly and so he turned to eating human babies. His mum apparently was beginning to worry about her son's antisocial behavior and decided to pay a visit to Mulka. However he did not appreciate mum's visit and being full of anger killed her instead. The aboriginal community decided to hunt Mulka down as a response to that and kill him. Which they did. What a dramatic legend....

Ausalt ytlen, et see oli puhas kokkusattumus, et mu kyynev2rv sobis nii imeh2sti selle akaatsiaga :D
I tell you, it is a pure coincidence observed only later that my nail polish color fits exquisitely well with the beautiful acacia :D

Ma loodan, et nautisite seda v2ikest verbaal-reisi lainekivini ja nagu ikka ootan kommentaare/laitust/kiitust/m6tteid/vaatied :-)
Well i hope you enjoyed this little verbal trip to Waverock with me and as usually i await your comments/suggestions etc. :-)


Iris said...

vaga monus, meil siin hakkas eile oosel lund sadama, Haapsalus siis :) naudi, musi!

Christina said...

T2nx Iris, naudin!
Jah, v6imatu on mitte t2hele panna, et Eestis tuli esimene lumi maha, k6ik fb-s kraaksuvad (heas m6ttes) ja panevad pilte yles....ei kujutagi ette enam, t2na just oli siin 35 v6i nii,k2isime ujumas....:-) Aga ei, ilus on, tahaks ka lumes m2ngida j2lle ykskord :-)
musi vastu ja ootan uudiseid, tead kyll ;-)

Natasha said...

Wow, gorgeous photos of places I would love to see out west... think I'll have to make another trip soon! :D :D xx

Christina said...

Thanks Nat! Yup, i reckon' you should move over here after your Phd!
There's SO much to see and do here!
