Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Perth is perfect after all...

 Me kallid s6brad Sydneyst k2sid kylas hiljuti. All on v2ike valik pilte meist, kohtadest, kus k2isime, ja ka Perthist, millest ma polegi veel ylevaadet andnud. Our dear friends from Sydney visited us recently and below is a selection of photos showing us, places we went to, and from Perth itself, which, i've realized i haven't reported much yet.

K6ik pildid tehtud Natasha telefoni v6i Helle-Mai/Jareku superkaamera ja supersilma abil. All photos done either by Natashas iPhone or Helle Mai/Jareks super cam/eye ;-)

The pad - kodu, mida hoidsime ja kus chillisime. Below some pictures from the house we house sat, that has a pool, how essential in hot summer!

Natashaga siin pildil basseinim6nusid nautimas, with Nat here enjoying the pool.

V2literass ja viinamarjad. The patio with hammock and grapes.

Synkroniseeritud ujumine, syncronized swimming act

Cottesloe beach with Nat


Chill in Freo

Freo ehk Fremantle on Perthi yks parimaid kohti, kus aega veeta. On seal toredad poekesed, baarikesed, huvitavad inimesed, ja yldiselt palju toredat teha-vaadata. Freo on yks vanimaid nn linnaosi, kus on alles ka euroopalliku arhitektuuri. Kohalikud p2rismaalased (Noongar) nimetavad aga Freot 'nutmispaigaks', nende jaoks on Freo tseremooniate ja traditsioonide hoidmispaigaks.
Freo doesn't really need much introduction as it is well known as one of the best places to spend time in Perth. It has great shops, cafe strips, all the musos and artists are there and so on. Freo is also one of the oldest parts of Perth, so to speak, and has some of the colonial architecture to admire. The local aborigines (Noongar people) call Freo "the place of crying". It's a place of ceremonies and cultural practices.

Bathers Bay rannas (beach)

Euroopallikul t2nval Freos. On one of these steets that has that European look.

P2ikeseloojang Bathers Bays. Sunset at Bathers Bay.

Meie adopteeritud armsa tytrega. With our adopted lovely daughter (:

Jump if you're happy!

Perth city and Kings park

Vaateid Kings Park botaanika aiast Perthi linna poole. Some views from Kings park botanical garden to Perth city. 


Perthis on yks v2ike kitsas t2nav, mis meenutav Shvetsi, kui kylla tulete, viin teid sinna ;-) V2ga omap2rane koht, mida meile n2itas sydneysider Jarek. Perth has one cute little Swiss looking street that i'll take you to, if you'll visit me ;-) Sydney sider Jarek, thank you for taking us there.

Brass Monkeys pubi kesklinnas. Brass Monkeys pub in the city center on James street. 

 San Churro kohvikus Northbridge'is (Perth). Enjoying the lovely delights from San Churro cafe in Northbridge.

Restoranis Munk Freos. At the Monk restaurant in Freo - well worth visiting, great place. 

Oine vaade linnale Kings Pargist. A night view from Kings park to city.


Penguin island
 Pingviini saareke on yks tore koht, mida kylastada. See on umbes 12 ha suurune saareke, kus pole muud kui yks v2lik2imla ja 2 km matkarada ymber saare ja muidugi palju pingviine, v6i noh, kui oosel/6htul tulla, n2eb neid kindlasti rohkem, kui p2eval, kui nad on merel toitu otsimas. Saarele v6ib ka l2bi vee minna, eriti hommiku poole, kui ookean on rahulikum, siis on vesi keskmiselt vaid p6lvini. Seda me ka tegime tagasi tulles Natashaga, ja yllatus oli suur, kui vees n2gime hulpimas miskit suurt ollust, mis osutus l2himal vaatlusel kogukaks meril6viks. Absoluutselt fantastiline kogemus. Kahjuks, kuna l2ksime l2bi vee, j2tsime k6ik asjad neile, kes tulid paadiga tagasi saarelt, seega pole fotot t6estamaks, mida n2gime. Aga vahva oli!

Penguin Island is Perth’s premier, ‘must do’ ecotourism destination. Located just a 5 minute ferry ride off the coast of Rockingham (45 minutes south of Perth), you will feel miles away as you enjoy perfect white sandy beaches and the crystal clear waters of the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park.(From http://www.penguinisland.com.au/). In the mornings you can walk over from mainland to the island, which we did on our way back from the island, when we bumped, sort of, into a huge sealion. :-) Was an amazing experince! Unfortunately, since we left our bags with mates who took the ferry back, we didn't have the camera to capture the gorgeous 'beast' ;-) You'll have to take my word.

V2ikesed pingviinid! Little penguins.

Ja nii ongi, t2nud HM, Jarek ja Nat suurep2rase koos veedetud aja eest! And so it was, thank you HM, Jarek and Nat for great times together in Perth and around.


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