Wednesday, September 12, 2012

roadtrippin' vol 2

Ennist lubasin siin suure suuga ilusaid taimepildikesi, kuid avastasin, et tegelikult ilusaid taimi n2gime me valdavalt reisi l6pu pool, aga enne veel, on mul n2idata teisi kohti, kus k2isime ja r22kida, mida tegime. Seega taimehuvilistele, kannatust, parimad palad j22vad l6pu poole.(I realized that in previous post i sort of promised to show lots of nice pictures of plants, especially wildflowers, but really haven't shown much yet. Majority of the wildflower sightings actually occurred at the end of the trip and thus for those of you, who can't wait to see the plant photos have to wait a bit, because i still have some photos of other great places and things we've seen on the way.)

Teel p6hjapoole avastasime, et l6una tuuled m2ngivad olulist rolli taimede kasvul v6i 6igemini, nende kasvusuunal. Yks n2ide allpool ka tee22res asuvast puust Greenough kylas, mis tugevate tuulte t6ttu hakkas kasvama maaga paralleelselt. See siin pidi olema Eucalyptus camaldulensis. (On our way towards North we sort of noticed that southern winds are quite strong (well, it was just bloody windy all the time and then we read/realized that indeed these are southern winds) and so apparently these winds shape the trees that are growing along the roads (here Brand Highway). They're called Leaning trees and you can spot some near Greenough, which isn't too far south from Geraldton. This one below on the picture is E. camaldulensis or simply red river gum.)

Illustreerimaks tuulte suunda ja t6estamaks, et ma ei m6tle seda juttu v2lja, t2helepanu siin mu pea asendil, mis kopeerib puu kasvamissuunda ja aitab kaasa juuste lehvimisele "6iges" suunas. (To illustrate the strength and direction of these winds note the direction of my head and the hair).

 Vaieldamatult yks parimaid kohti k2mpamiseks inimmassidest eemal on l22ne rannikul koht nimega Coronation Beach, mis kyll suviti on vastupidiselt kuum koht surfarite jm veespordi hullude jaoks, kuid hetkel oli see k6ige rahulikum ja inimtyhjem koht. (Undoubtedly one of the best places to camp, that we liked, was Coronation Beach, which was couple of weeks ago still quite tranquil and human-less (did i just make that word up?), however apparently in summer it is a hot spot for surfers and is probably not so quiet and nice).

Tegelikult ei olnud nii kylm nyyd, nagu all olevalt pildilt v6iks arvata, lihtsalt ma pelgan yleliigset p2ikest, teadagi miks. (Actually it wasn't that cold as you might think judging by my outfit, however, clothes really work as a sunscreen, because i'm not a big fan for excessive sunbathing for well known reasons, i think).

Port Gregory pole nyyd teab mis p6nev koht siin suurel maamuna peal, kuid yks huvitav loodusn2htus seal on kyll.... (Port Gregory isn't the most exciting place in the world, however, it has one curious nature phenomenon...)

 Arge mind v6i minu totakat poosi nyyd v2ga vaadake, kuid kas keegi n2eb, et see j2rv, jah, see on j2rv, on roosaka varjundiga? Ennist Austraalias olen n2inud huvitavat erk helesinist j2rve L6una Austraalias kyll, kuid roosat veekogu polnud minu silmad veel n2inud. Kuna l2hedal n2gime suuri masinaid, arvasime kohe, et jessuke! kas tegemist on siis nii ulatusliku vee-reostusega vmt. Hiljem saime alles teada, et v2idetavalt esineb selles veekogus looduslikku beeta-karoteeni, mida on muuseas ka porgandis, ja see pidavatki veekogule sellise tugeva roosaka varjundi andma. (Nevermind my silly pose, can anyone see that the lake behind me is pink? I mean i've seen "weird" blue lake before, in Mt Gambier, however not a pink lake like this. First, we thought that this is caused by some nasty chemical run-off from near by industry. However, later we discovered that Hutt Lagoon or better known Pink Lake has this funny pink color due to the naturally occurring beta carotene there. There you go! Who would have thought?) 

 to be continued...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to be continue... - see mulle meeldib. Muide, ma ei saa mainimata jätta, et mul on väga samasugune kübar!